categoryTeam Sprive

Meet the interns!

In September, we welcomed our interns Raj and Rhea to the Sprive Family!

More about Raj....

Raj is a second year Economics, Politics and International Studies student from Singapore! Raj is a polo player at the Offchurch Bury Polo Club and has represented his University in regional and national competitions. Prior to University, he served in the Singaporean Military. He is committed to philanthropic causes and has volunteered in campaigns such as Warwick in Africa and with Migrant Workers affected by COVID-19 in Singapore!

More about Rhea….

Rhea is also a second year Economics, Politics and International Studies student from Singapore! Rhea is passionate about working with organisations that are striving to achieve a social or moral purpose. She is involved in many societies on campus, including executive positions in NGOs and working with social enterprises in consulting societies to research and advise on strategies, helping them achieve their goal and reach more people in need. She has previously worked with start-ups in the past and enjoys being part of a close knit working environment.

Motivations for joining Sprive


I was looking to improve my skill set but simultaneously do something that was going to challenge me and bring me out of my comfort zone. There was a strong attraction to start-ups as I enjoy the prospect of being part of building something and the experience gained from joining a start-up would enable me to meet my goals.

It was upon a chance LinkedIn search that I learnt about Sprive. The opportunity to be part of a young start-up with highly experienced leaders driving its development appealed to me. I connected with Jinesh, the CEO of Sprive, who shared more about the company mission to me. As Sprive aligned with my values, goals and allowed me to garner a wide range of skills, I took up the internship!


Having worked for start-ups in the past, I experienced a steep learning curve with tremendous responsibility right from the beginning and I loved having a challenging yet stimulating work environment. I was excited to be part of a similar environment and develop my knowledge from university in a practical sense, helping an emerging business succeed. It excites me to be able to explore all the different sectors that go into building a successful start-up, from marketing to product development, you learn quickly and acquire skills from a broad range of disciplines.

What do we do?

At Sprive, we are truly the ‘Jack of All Trades, Master of None’. This experience has allowed us to be exposed to the different operations within a start-up. From Digital Marketing to Finance to Product Testing, this internship has provided us an opportunity to don different hats within Sprive. We were provided with the training sessions by our mentors as well. The team also allowed us to listen in to meetings to further facilitate our learning. Our mentors were sure to check in on us weekly, provided feedback and ensured an open channel for communication was always available.

Our thoughts and aspirations for Sprive

What truly made this internship fun was the level of flexibility and openness to new ideas to drive the development of Sprive forward. This flexibility and openness motivated us to always find innovative and creative ways to ensure the existing product was effective, as well as captivate and attract new users to use this app.

My aspirations for Sprive is to dominate the mortgage markets in the UK. It is fresh, attractive and initiated by an experienced group of founders with over 35 years of financial services experience. Not only would this app help many people, but it lies at the heart of the new Digital era which is transforming the traditional Financial Services industry. We are excited for its growth!

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