Shop away your mortgage

Save thousands in interest and pay off your mortgage faster every time you shop.

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Spend money towards your mortgage in minutes

Access digital shopping cards from 65+ brands and earn cash rewards with every purchase—pay them towards your mortgage in one tap.

Download for free

Sprive users are on track to save over £100m+ in interest

Real Savings. Real Stories....
 is on track to save
In interest
time off mortgage

"Sprive's rewards feature is brilliant! It's really easy and straightforward to use and always use it for my food shop and any online shopping".

 is on track to save
In interest
time off mortgage

"As a mortgage payer with high interest it was important to me to overpay as much as I can early on and by using sprive for my daily coffee and shopping has helped me so much to do that!"

 is on track to save
In interest
time off mortgage

"Since discovering Sprive I have been using it to get my weekly grocery shop and essentials like my children's school uniform".

 is on track to save
In interest
time off mortgage

"The rewards feature on everyday shopping even helps me pay for overpayments regularly, which feels like I'm chipping away at my mortgage for free".

*Customer interest and years savings projections shown are accurate as of November 2024

Turbo-charge your journey with our other features

Fast-track your mortgage freedom with auto-saving

Sprive’s AI will automatically set money aside based on your spending.  Pay it to your lender in one tap.

See what you could save from mortgage overpayments in a few easy steps.

How much do you have left on your mortgage?
How many years left on your mortgage?
How much is your monthly mortgage payment?
What could you afford to overpay on your mortgage each month?
How much do you spend on your supermarket shop a month?
Estimated interest you’ll pay
You could save in interest
Estimated Time save
*These results assume an average 4% cashback for shopping rewards
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Everything you need to know about your mortgage in one place

Your overpayment progress
Your expected mortgage freedom date
See how much of your home you own
Monitor your Loan to Value
Stay on top of your overpayment allowance

Remortgage hassle-free. We monitor the market daily to keep you on the best deal.

Combining cutting-edge tech with human expertise, we help you remortgage hassle-free and stay on the best rate

Live personalised deals

See the best offers across the entire market.

Human expert advice

Our vetted mortgage experts are at your fingertips.

Stay on the best rate

Get alerted of better rates, even within your deal period.

No broker fee

We cover the £500 advice fee for Sprive customers.


There's less paper-work and our experts do the heavy-liting for you.

Live personalised deals

See the best offers across the entire market.

Human expert advice

Our vetted mortgage experts are at your fingertips.

Stay on the best rate

Get alerted of better rates, even within your deal period.

No broker fee

We cover the £500 advice fee for Sprive customers.


There's less paper-work and our experts do the heavy-liting for you.

Download Sprive today and start taking years off your mortgage

Sprive supports 14 of the largest lenders in the UK. It’s completely free.

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